Plantar Fasciitis Diagnosis and Treatment


Course Description

Course Description:

The plantar fascia is the thick, fibrous connective tissue that supports the arch on the bottom of the foot. It runs from the heel bone (calcaneus) forward to the heads of the metatarsal bones and functions as a “tension bridge” in the foot, providing support and shock absorption.

The plantar fascia is made up of collagen fibers and has three distinct structural components: the medial component, the central component and the lateral component.

An estimated one million visits to medical professionals per year are attributed to the treatment of plantar fasciitis; the annual cost of the condition is presumed to be between $192 and $376 million dollars. Although the condition is notoriously difficult to treat, most patients have a positive outcome.

Contact Hours: 1
Text Course Format: Text
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Beginner BOC Level of Difficulty: Essential